The Economic Mobility Dashboard is a tool to help partner organizations and community members at large monitor progress toward the three bold goals of the Urban Agenda: increasing median incomes for Black and Hispanic/Latino households, narrowing racial and ethnic gaps in wealth accumulation, and decreasing poverty rates in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. The Dashboard also provides data on various driver indicators that are reasonably assumed to contribute to median income, wealth and poverty and that may offer areas for intervention by partner organizations and other members of the community. These include measures regarding employment, education, digital divide, homeownership, business ownership and family structure, among others.
The Urban Agenda Economic Mobility Dashboard draws data from the 1-year American Community Survey (ACS) for 2022 to provide a relatively up-to-date snapshot of characteristics across four geographies. The city of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County are our geographies of interest. Data for the state of Ohio and the nation overall are presented for comparison. The ACS comes with certain drawbacks, including a considerable time lag, but its advantages are that it is uniformly administered across geographies and is updated annually. Data from other sources, such as Ohio’s annual school report cards, are used where relevant and reliably updated. The Dashboard, which will be updated annually to incorporate new data, is meant to inform the work of the Urban Agenda, its partnering organizations and the community overall. Indicators included should not be seen as prescribing focus areas for change nor limiting the scope of the Urban Agenda. Components of the Dashboard may evolve and expand as understanding of and progress toward Urban Agenda goals warrant.
(Neutral Image Above)
This initial Urban Agenda Dashboard presents a baseline (B) of where population-level indicators of economic mobility stand in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County. Future versions of the Dashboard will mark progress—up, down or neutral—toward achieving income, poverty and wealth goals.